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Networking Assistance

Help leaders to build and hone skills in identifying sources of information and/or services related to our key result areas.

Case Study Development

Assistance in crafting a rich selection of case study and supplementary materials to improve the content and process of organizational learning.

Information Source

Maintaining linkages to comprehensive literature resources in our primary areas of emphasis, including case studies, research reports, background and technical notes.

Case Method Training

Virtual executive training on how to use the case method and other participative techniques in developing future personal and professional growth plans.

Collaborative Partnerships

Featuring collaborative partnerships with public or private organizations working for positive and constructive change at the local, national or international level.

Action-Research and Process Consultation

Involving organizational and transformational change projects, from assistance in startup and diagnosis, conduct of projects to providing assessments of progress and outcomes.

Designing and Administering Surveys and Instrumentation

Providing virtual technical assistance in conducting feedback sessions with the goal of developing action-planning steps for the improvement of organizational and leadership effectiveness.

Leadership Mentoring/Coaching and Structured Group Process Development

Providing virtual executive conferencing to further leadership mentoring and coaching and facilitating the use of structured group process development and participative decision-making.


I am available for client projects on a virtual basis normally handled through standard consulting procedures. This is subject to availability, interest and in coordination with current virtual project assignments. Initial discussions of projects are pro bono. For inquires, please contact me directly at larryminks1968@gmail.com or (580) 579-2436.

Fees are in line with current (international) fee structures for the specific type of consulting assignment for the client. I prefer assignments that are of a participant-centered, learning approach. I enjoy providing pre-work materials in advance of client sessions and conducting the actual sessions using a discussion method and highly engaged style.